Sunday, February 26, 2006

Eye of the Storm
In the eye of the storm
Restless hearts grow still
Wild pupils observe the whirlwind
In this instance
We see why the wise
Build brick homes in seclusion
To avoid a sunny day
Turned into a violent breeze
Sometimes it takes a tragedy
For us to accept the bare minimum
When it's all we've ever needed
Strangers turn family into friends
Danger turns boredom into peace
Pain turns death into rest
And we do not cry for the sleep,
We realize that they are blessed
Small acts of kindness
save lives
Trivial complaints
Become distant memories
Reality uproots pipe dreams
and scatters selfish desires
Luxurious abundances
become dead weight
Responsibility builds a foundation
of simplicity and in turn beauty
and in turn happiness and
In turn success
A creature represented
not in weight
but in depth
not in weight
but in depth
In the midst of chaos
Necessity shrinks life down to size
And with the precision of a surgeon's knife
We cut away ties
And we learn to count our blessings
Every night with grateful cries
Within this whirlwind
In the eye of the storm
We watch a clearer day arrive

Friday, February 17, 2006

Object of Affection
They look upon me
An object of affection
It is not completely lost
But I should not be looked upon in such a way
The unnatural glance of a man
With no thoughts, just visions
Of what could be, what should be
Because they are themselves
And I fit the criteria at the time
I do what I do, doing whatever I do
But it makes no difference to them
For I am now in their world
A world where they are the center, the star, the hero, the victim
And only God knows the role that I play
Maybe that of the goddess or the evil temptress
Sent to seduce them and leave them high and dry
Only this when things are not going as they've planned
My plans?
To do what I do, doing whatever I do
I am not completely lost
For in my world, I play the part of the heroine
Protecting herself from being abducted into a man's fantasy