Thursday, October 06, 2005

Unborn Child

In quiet contemplation, I imagine the
Screaming, crying, and whining
Cute giggles and laughs
Over-sized heads and stumbling feet waddling through hallways looking at me
Looking like me
Dimpled, sticky fingers reach for cups and toys
Needing help, needing love, needing food, needing discipline
Needing clothes, needing sleep, needing attention, needing affection, needing me, needing us, needing patience, needing a man, needing a woman, needing a mini-van, needing a schedule...
Making me cook, making me clean, making me stay in my career, in my relationship, in my home, making me repeat myself, making me fall in love, making me wince, making me complain, making me worry, making me brag, making me into my mother
I give birth to my own heart, beating and thumping
wrapped up inside baby fat and smooth skin
I watch my own heart fall down and get up
Anticipating a world of soft pillows and lullabyes
Beaten into submission by a world that isn't "mommy"
I watch my heart walking around on this earth, without me
At the mercy of two blinking eyes
That have stretched out my skin and stretched out my breasts
Crows walk across the corners of my eyes
Greying out my follicles
Wrapped in soft teddy bear blankets and warmth
I watch my heart sleep, dreaming of me
and I dream of it, not today
But forever tomorrow


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